- Bookings:
- Venue
- Officials
- First Aid Coverage (See details end of page)
- Send an e-mail to Kevin Tushingham (Kevin.Tushingham@tcphs.com) indicating: Tournament date and time so it can be placed on Google calendar.
- Update Tournament Registration Page; (Video Tutorials)
- Send out email to membership no less than 1 week prior to registration opening letting them know page has been updated;
- Go into the posting and “Allow Comments” 5 minutes before it is to open;
- With three days remaining on the registration send out a reminder email to membership that registration has been open and is closing on…..
- Go into the posting and take “Allow Comments” off so to close the posting.
- Post tournament schedule above original posting on site. Inform participating teams via email that schedule has been posted.
- Send all invoices to Blaine for venues and Officials at least 5 business days prior to tournament starting.
- When the need arises for a coach’s meeting, itemize an agenda from suggestions sent in by participating coaches. The agenda should be sent to all participating coaches before the meeting date.
- Provide officials with a schedule and guidelines. Deal with any questions pertaining to officiating.
- Keep track of the league/tournament results and inform league of standings by reposting the schedule with results or weekly updates on site.
- Prepare play-off schedule if necessary.
- Prepare pre-season/pre-tourney information package; including relevant rules, schedule, directions, responsibilities of home teams and away teams and send to president and teams participating.
- Provide summary of league or tourney prior to term end meetings.
- a) must be present during the entire event (excepting league play).
- b) Be informed of and act on any problems or questions that may arise during the season. This may mean quoting the appropriate sport guideline section or informing the Executive of a situation.
- Paperwork – Convener Sheet electronically. (Can be found on the website under Members Area)
- Mail copy of convener sheet, receipts to Blaine Seamone. 8569 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill Ontario L4B 3M7
- First Aid Information Coverage
Maria Flores at Panno Medical Inc.
phone # 416-755-3555
E-MAIL: panno@on.aibn.com CELL PHONE: 647-462-2090