Elementary Boys Basketball North & South

Friday February 21, 2025
Elementary Boys’ Basketball 2024-25 Schedule

Monday                                             Wednesday

January 6      

January 8
KCS  39   St. Jude’s  58
TWS  19   RHMS  33
January 13
St. Jude’s  57   RHMS  21   
UC  46 
TP 20
TCPS  27  TWS  37
January 15
TWS  19  KCS 38 
TCPS  25  UC 49  
January 20
KCS  23  TCPS 9
St. Jude’s  59
  TP  46  
January 22
RHMS  22  UC 40
TP  50 
TWS 21  
January 27
RHMS  17  TP 47 
UC  39 
KCS 38
St. Jude’s  66  TCPS  28
January 29
RHMS  19  TCPS 21 
TWS  28  St. Jude’s 64     
February 3
TP  33  KCS 41
UC  51
  TWS  13
February 5
KCS  41  RHMS 27 
TP  41  TCPS  19
St. Jude’s 68  UC 45 
February 10  –  North ¼ Finals

place gets a BYE to North semis          
TWS 41   KCS 52          (game C)          
RHMS 31   TP 33           (game D)
TUESDAY February 11  

TCPS 26   UC 48         (game B)  

February 17      
Family Day – stat. holiday

February 19 –  North Semi-Finals
Tall Pines 30 St. Jude’s 45
KCS 25 UC 65  

Winners of these games go to Final Four on Wednesday February 28th at St. Jude’s.  
February 24    
*** Alternative date for North Semi-finals (only if teams cannot play on February 19th…must be agreed upon by both teams) ***  

FRIDAY February 28 –  @ St. Judes’s
10:00 UTS (South 2) vs. St. Judes’ (North 1)
10:00 UC (North 2) vs. ARS (South 1)
12:00 Championship Game

All games will be played at 4 p.m, unless otherwise stated on the schedule.  If you have a high school team please check your schedules carefully.  The maximum point differential is +/-15, regardless if the final score is of a greater margin. 

Please note all scores must be e-mailed to me, by the home team, within 24 hours of your game or it will be counted as a loss of 15-0 for you.  Also, home teams are required to scan and email all game sheets to me.  If you forfeit a game the same score will apply.

School                   Games played              Wins                      Losses                       +/-

St. Jude’s660+88
Tall Pines643+9

Elementary Boy’s Basketball 2024-2025   NORTH Schools

Khalsa Community School (KCS)                          Sukhwinder Randhawa
69 Maitland Street                   sukhwinder.randhawa@khlsacommunityschool.com
Brampton, ON  L6S 3B5                                                       

Town Centre Private Schools (TCPS)                           Kevin Tushingham          
155 Clayton Drive                                             kevin.tushingham@tcmps.com
Markham, ON  L3R 7P3                                                Tristan Frenette-Ling
905-470-1200                                                                 tristanfl@hotmail.com

Toronto Waldorf School                                                     Karanvir Singh
9100 Bathurst Street #1                                 ksingh@torontowaldorfschool.com
Thornhill, ON  L4J 8C7
905-881-6137 ext. 311

Unionville College                                                                    Ty Raine
4486 16th Avenue                                                Traine@unionvillemontessori.com
Unionville, ON  L3R 0M1                                          

Tall Pines School                                                                   Jay Stenzler
8525 Torbram  Road                                              jstenzler@tallpinesschool.com
Brampton, ON  L6T 5K4                                                      Brandon Smart
905-458-6770                                                             bsmart@tallpinesschool.com

St. Jude’s Academy                                                          Miguel Oliveira
6750 Mississauga Road                                      moliveira@stjudesacademy.com
Mississauga, ON  L5N 2L3                                                     Ben Milburn             
905-814-0202                                                         bmilburn@stjudesacademy.com

Richmond Hill Montessori Private School                         Thien Nguyen
189 Weldrick Road East                                                   tnguyen@rhms.ca
Richmond Hill, ON  L4C 0A6

Friday February 21, 2025
Elementary Boys’ Basketball 2024-25

Monday                                             Wednesday

January 6

January 8
Bond  24   ARS  37
SSST  26   WCS  28  
RDS  47  Howlett  22
January 13
Bond  36  SSST 47
RDS  28  UTS 38
Northmount  49 
HUD 41  
January 15
SSST  49
  Willowwood  8
RDS  23  Northmount 63
January 20
Willowwood  15  Bond  0 
HUD  38  RDS 43
UTS  36  Northmount 33
January 22
WCS  44  Willowwood 21
Northmount  73
  Howlett 27
January 27
WCS  38   Bond 30
UTS  47 
HUD 30 
January 29
ARS  49  SSST 16
Howlett  19   UTS 46    
February 3
ARS  35   WCS  28    
February 5
Willowwood  6  ARS 54
HUD  59
  Howlett  32  
February 10 –  South ¼ Finals                  
Willowwood 11 UTS 55        (game A)            
RDS 49 WCS 40           (game D)          
February 12  

SSST 34 Northmount 42    (game C)          
Hudson    @   ARS         (game B)
February 17          Family Day – stat. holiday  

February 19 –  South Semi-Finals

RDS 39 UTS 51
Northmount 20 ARS 37  
Winners of these games go to Final Four on
Wednesday February 28th  at St. Jude’s.
February 24     
*** Alternative date for South Semi- Finals (only if teams cannot play on February 19th…must be agreed upon by both teams) ***  
FRIDAY February 28 – @ St. Judes’s
10:00 UTS (South 2) vs. St. Judes’ (North 1)
10:00 UC (North 2) vs. ARS (South 1)
12:00 Championship Game10 a.m.  

All games will be played at 4 p.m, unless otherwise stated on the schedule.  If you have a high school team please check your schedules carefully.  The maximum point differential is +/-15, regardless if the final score is of a greater margin. 

Please note all scores must be e-mailed to me, by the home team, within 24 hours of your game or it will be counted as a loss of 15-0 for you.  Also, home teams are required to scan and email all game sheets to me.  If you forfeit a game the same score will apply.


School                   Games played              Wins                      Losses                       +/-



School                   Games played              Wins                      Losses                       +/-

Howlett4 04-60

Elementary Boys’ Basketball 2024-2025
SOUTH Schools

ARS Day School (ARS)                                           Alex Movel

50 Hallcrown Place                                               movel23@hotmail.com
Willowdale, ON  M2J 1P6
416-491-2675 ext. 2

Hudson College (HUD)                                              Marco Reda
12 Ascot Avenue                                                   mreda@hudsoncollege.ca
Toronto, ON  M6E 1E6                                                      

University of Toronto Schools (UTS)                         Virginia Ki
371 Bloor Street West                                            viriginia.ki@utschools.ca
Toronto, ON  M5S 2R7                                                     
Willowwood School (WW)                                      Jelena Perkic       

55 Scarsdale Road                                          jelenap@willowwoodschool.ca
Toronto, ON  M3B 2R3                                  

Northmount School (NOR)                                     Damian Douglas
26 Mallard Road                                                damian.douglas@northmount.com
Toronto, ON  M3B 1S3

Rosedale Day School                                            Tory Boeckh
Games will be played at:                                       tboeckh@rds-on.com
Knox Presbyterian Church
630 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON  M5S 2H4

Howlett Academy                                                 Jeff Gillespie
Games will be played at:                            coach.jeff@howlettacademy.com   
Knox Presbyterian Church
630 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON  M5S 2H4

Whitefield Christian School                                    Dorcas Jew
5808 Finch Avenue East                                         djew@wcschools.ca
Scarborough, ON.  M1B 4Y6
416- 297-1212

Bond Academy (Bond)                                         Christina Lee

1500 Birchmount Road                                christinal@web.bondacademy.ca

Scarborough, ON  M1P 2G5
416-266-1808 or 416-266-8878

Sathya Sai School of Toronto                                   Jadranko Bozanovic
451 Ellesmere Road                                          jbozanovic@sathyasaischool.ca

Scarborough, Ontario  M1R 4E5

P (416)-297-7970

Elementary Boys’ Basketball – North AND South

Registration opens:
 Monday December 2nd  @ 10:00 am

Registration Closes:  Friday December 6th  @ 4:00 pm

I will require yours school’s no-play dates and no-host dates (if you are a hosting school) right away, please.  The league schedule will be posted here and emailed out once completed.

All games will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays with start time of 4:00pm, unless otherwise noted.  The Final Four will be held TBD.

I will need your eligibility list by no less than 7 calendar days  prior to the first game of the season (not your school’s first game) 

To find the playing regulations, click the following link:


-then find the Elementary Boys basketball guidelines, click that.

The following link is to the SSAF eligibility list:


The following link is to the electronic version of the waiver form for parents to do:


Your parents can click on your school name, fill out the form.

Yvonne Cahill

18 thoughts on “Elementary Boys Basketball North & South

  1. WCS is in! (can host, 1 court)

    Coach: jayandshawncrawford@gmail.com
    please cc AD: djew@wcschools.ca

    No play/no host dates: Jan 15-21 (Exams), Feb 5, Feb 17, March 10-21 (March Break)

    If it’s possible to be in North division (e.g. helps with numbers) we’re generally closer in travel distance to those schools… if not possible no worries! Thank you!

  2. TC is in!

    Coach: Tristan Frenette (tristan.frenette@tcmps.com)
    Please copy emails to: kevin.tushingham@tcmps.com

    Note: Tristan coaches both elem and u20 teams therefore we need that coordinated on schedule. We can host double headers or travel for double headers. Thanks.

    Non play calendar has been sent.

  3. We can host some..however it will be tight with the U20 boys ball and girls volleyball..

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