Elementary Open Curling Guidelines

Technical Guidelines

Open Curling

Revised September 10/14


General Rules


  1. Open Curling is a one day tournament (called “bonspiel”).
  2. Teams consist of 4 players: Lead, Second, Vice, Skip
  3. One alternate is allowed per team and can be used either as substitute or for injury replacement
  4. Canadian Curling Association Rules and Regulations will be used to govern play.
  5. The tournament format is set by the convener upon registration for the event and may include but is not limited to:
    1. 4 to 6 end games
    2. Round robin format
    3. “Point” spiel scoring: 10 points for a win, 1 point for each end won, ¼ point for each point scored.
    4. Ties broken by a “draw to the button” by one member of each team immediately following the game. Teams may sweep their own rocks – no sweeping by opponents.


  1. Schools may enter only 1 team. Additional teams may be entered based on space and at the discretion of the convener.
  2. Players must wear either official curling shoes or shoes (not worn outside) with slider tape on the sliding foot.       All shoes must be cleaned prior to entering the ice surface.
  3. Banner is awarded to the team that accumulates the most points. There is no final game.
  4. Seeding will be used to place teams in divisions based on the prior year’s bonspiel results.


Team Responsibilities


  • All teams must complete the league eligibility sheet and fax or email it to the league convenor within the specified time frame.


  • Supervisors are required to report the scores from their sheet to the convenor after each game.


  • Coaching is done from behind the glass with one timeout permitted for consultation between the coach and the team.


  • Measurements may be conducted by the players. In the case where players cannot either use the tool properly or cannot make a decision, both coaches may make a decision. In cases where both coaches cannot make a decision, the tournament convenor will make a decision to either award a point or declare a non-decision (dead rock).


  • All players and supervisors must where clothing that clearly identifies their school: polos, t-shirts, etc. or name tags for supervisors.