U20 Girls Ball Hockey Tournament
Tournament Date: Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Convenor on Site: Stephen Collins [Toronto Prep School]
Start Time: 9:05 am (Arrive at 8:45 am)
Location: The Hangar (75 Carl Hall Rd., Toronto, ON)
Registration Opens: Thursday, March 6th @ 9AM
Registration Closes: Friday, Aprill 11 @ 3:00PM [OR WHEN FULL]
There will be a MAXIMUM of 8 teams.
Please have your ELIGIBILITY LISTS submitted to both Yvonne (ymessina2@yahoo.ca) and myself (scollins@torontoprepschool.com) by Wednesday, April 23rd. As well, please have all team members complete the SSAF Waiver!
Once registration has closed, and all teams are confirmed, a schedule will follow shortly thereafter.
Toronto Prep School [Convenor on Site] is in.
Stephen Collins – scollins@torontoprepschool.com
Newton’s Grove is in!
coach: Ryan Penner
email: rpenner@newtonsgroveschool.com